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HomeRaven, volume 5 (1998)

Raven, volume 5 (1998)

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Special Themed Issue: The United States Flag

Four articles continue Raven’s tradition of publishing outstanding scholarship in the field of flags. This year’s effort covers topics from 1777 to 1996, from legal challenges to the laws themselves, from specific U.S. flag history to broader social and political issues.


Front Matter

Trial by Jury in the Court of Public Opinion: Phoenix Reacts to Flag Art Exhibition, Phoenix Art Museum, March 16-June 16, 1996
Carita M. Culmer, librarian, Phoenix College, Phoenix, Arizona

A controversial flag art exhibit documenting a period of social upheaval in the United States generated its own local uproar. Over a dozen visits to the show, combined with an examination of the local press coverage, inform this thoughtful, personal reflection on its meaning.

“Yes, There is a Reason I Salute the Flag”: Flag Use and the Civil Rights Movement
Rosalind Urbach Moss, Ph.D., professor, Mary Baldwin College, Richmond, Virginia

In the 1950s and 1960s, all sides in the struggle over civil rights used the U.S. flag in different and evolving ways, competing for the power of the nation’s primary symbol. This article traces in scholarly detail how flag use influenced and gave images to the era.

Bibliography of Congressional Acts and Presidential Executive Orders and Proclamations Relating to General Use of the United States Flag
Charles A. Spain, Jr., attorney, Texas Court of Appeals, Houston, Texas

From the resolution in the Continental Congress on June 14, 1777 which first defined the United States flag, to the latest presidential proclamation, all relevant legal citations are listed. They cover the flag’s description, display, and protection, providing a resource never before published elsewhere.

The United States Flag in the American West: The Evolution of the United States Flags Produced by or for U.S. Government Entities During the Westward Movement, 1777-1876
Howard Michael Madaus, curator, Cody Firearms Museum, Cody, Wyoming

The government agency that did the most to spread the flag across the western United States in its first century was not the Army, not the Navy, but the Indian Department. Its “presentation flags,” often of a variant design with eagles or coats of arms in their cantons or with alternate star patterns, combine with the military’s standard flags in this article based on many primary sources.

End Matter

  • Edward B. Kaye, Managing Editor
  • Peter J. Orenski, Ph.D., Art/Production Editor

Editorial Board:

  • Scot M. Guenter, San José State University
  • Anne M. Platoff, Arizona State University
  • John M. Purcell, Cleveland State University

Raven is a benefit of membership in NAVA.