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HomeRaven, volume 21 (2014)

Raven, volume 21 (2014)

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With this volume, Raven continues its standard format: several excellent articles on varied flag topics. Volume 21 comprises:


Front Matter

Terrible as an Army with Banners
Richard E. Bennet, Chair of the Department of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University — Provo, Utah
This essay discusses dual allegiances of the early Latter-day Saints (LDS) from 1830 to 1848 as shown by their use of flags and banners.

Revisiting the Flag at Prospect Hill: Grand Union or Just British?
Byron Delear, author, enviro-entrepreneur, media producer, St. Louis, Missouri
DeLear revisits the debate about which flag was raised at Prospect Hill in Boston during the American Revolution.

Contested Symbolism in the Flags of New World Slave Risings
Steven A. Knowlton, Assistant Professor, University of Memphis — Cordova, Tennessee
A discussion of the symbolism used in the flags of slave risings in the New World.

Flags and Emblems of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea: Vexillidolatry in its Purest Form
Dean Thomas, lieutenant colonel in the Civil Air Patrol
This article discusses the flags and symbols used in North Korea, explaining the symbolism and flag culture of the country.  Winner of the Captain William Driver Award for the best paper as NAVA 47 in 2013.

End Matter

  • Kenneth W. Reynolds, Ph.D., Editor
Editorial Board:
  • Perry Dane, J.D., Rutgers School of Law
  • Scot M. Guenter, Ph.D., San José State University
  • Anne M. Platoff, M.S., M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Hugh L. Brady, J.D., The University of Texas at Austin (ex-officio)

Raven is a benefit of membership in NAVA.