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HomeRaven, volume 20 (2013)

Raven, volume 20 (2013)

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With this volume, Raven continues its standard format: several excellent articles on varied flag topics. All four were presented as papers at the Association’s annual meeting in 2012 in Columbus, Ohio; they represent the pinnacle of vexillological scholarship in North America and include the winner of the Captain William Driver Award.


Front Matter

The First Pledge in Utah
John M. Hartvigsen, — leader of the effort to correct Utah’s state flag specifications and active participant in the Healing Fields flag displays — Salt Lake City, Utah
This essay conveys the story of the first mass recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in Utah. Hartvigsen demonstrates how the event was intended to demonstrate to the rest of the country that Mormans in Utah were loyal Americans.

Evocation and Figurative Thought in Tennessee Flag Culture
Steven A. Knowlton, collection development librarian and assistant professor at the University of Memphis, Cordova, Tennessee
This Driver Award-winning paper uses communication theory to study the flag culture of Tennessee. Applies concepts such as semiotics, pragmatic unity, and visual synecdoche to the examination of flags and flag-derived logos used throughout the Volunteer State.

Of Tablecloths and Soviet Relics: A Study of the Banner of Victory (Znamia Pobedy)
Anne M. Platoff, Slavic Studies librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara—Goleta, California
A discussion of the Znamia Pobedy — the Soviet Banner of Victory from World War II — covering the sometimes contradictory stories behind the flag raised by Soviet soldiers over the Reichstag in Berlin. It also discusses post-war use in the U.S.S.R. and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

Colors of the Confederacy: Consecration and Controversy
Catherine M. Wright, curator at The Museum of the Confederacy in Richmond, Virginia
A discussion of the flags of the Confederacy, illustrated by historical flags of the period. Discusses how one flag pattern gained primacy in the South during the Civil War, and how that flag is viewed in contemporary U.S. culture.

End Matter

  • Kenneth W. Reynolds, Ph.D., Editor
Editorial Board:
  • Perry Dane, J.D., Rutgers School of Law
  • Scot M. Guenter, Ph.D., San José State University
  • Anne M. Platoff, M.S., M.A., University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Kenneth W. Reynolds, Ph.D., Department of National Defense, Canada
  • Hugh L. Brady, J.D., The University of Texas at Austin (ex-officio)

Raven is a benefit of membership in NAVA.