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HomeRaven, volume 19 (2012)

Raven, volume 19 (2012)

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With its 2012 volume, Raven resumes its standard format: several excellent articles on varied flag topics. Three were presented first as papers at the Association’s 2010 annual meeting in Los Angeles, California; they represent the pinnacle of vexillological scholarship in North America and include the winner of the Captain William Driver Award. Unusually, three of the members of the editorial board of Raven contributed articles—demonstrating the deep commitment its members have to vexillology and furthering their personal research in the field.


Front Matter

Emotion and Flags: A Personal Perspective
John M. Purcell, founding member of the Raven editorial board and professor emeritus of Spanish Language Education at Cleveland State University—Cleveland, Ohio
This compelling essay describes the author’s own relationship with flags over a lifetime of engagement and study—this volume is dedicated to his memory.

The Cinco de Mayo Flag Flap: Rights, Power, and Identity
Scot M. Guenter, founding editor of Raven and coordinator of the American Studies Program at San José State University—San José, California
When five white high school students in Morgan Hill, California, flouted a school policy against wearing flag-themed clothing, which had been aimed at reducing tensions on the day celebrating Mexican pride, the media firestorm decrying their treatment roiled the political airwaves.

Utah’s Mammoth Statehood Flag
John M. Hartvigsen—leader of the effort to correct Utah’s state flag specifications and active participant in the Healing Fields flag displays—Salt Lake City, Utah
As Utah prepared to celebrate its long-awaited entry into the Union in 1896, locals sewed and displayed from the ceiling of the Mormon Tabernacle the largest flag ever made, a record which stood for 27 years and continued a tradition of large flags in Utah. This paper won the Driver Award in 2010.

Applying Sebeok’s Typology of Signs to the Study of Flags
Steven A. Knowlton, collection development librarian and assistant professor at the University of Memphis, Cordova, Tennessee
A leading semiotician, Thomas A. Sebeok (1920-2001), developed a useful typology which the author uses to analyze national and subnational flags, exploring them as signals, icons, indexes, and symbols and using extensively illustrations.

The “Forward Russia” Flag: Examining the Changing Use of the Bear as a Symbol of Russia
Anne M. Platoff, Slavic Studies librarian at the University of California, Santa Barbara—Goleta, California
A newly-developed flag displayed by avid Russian sports fans in support of their national teams marks a change in the use of the bear symbol—first only used by outsiders to represent Russia but now claimed by Russians as their own.

End Matter

  • Edward B. Kaye, Editor

Editorial Board:

  • Perry Dane, Rutgers School of Law
  • Scot M. Guenter, San José State University
  • Anne M. Platoff, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • John M. Purcell, Cleveland State University (emeritus)
  • Kenneth W. Reynolds, Ph.D., Department of National Defense, Canada
  • Hugh L. Brady, The University of Texas at Austin (ex-officio)

Raven is a benefit of membership in NAVA.