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NAVA News & Raven Index - B

Babcock, James (about)

  • “Vexillonnaire Award.” NAVA News July-Sep 2003, p16

Babineau, Marie (about)

  • “Acadian flag is 100 years old.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1984, p1

Bacchini, Lisa (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p298

Baesler, Scotty (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p186


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “New flag of the Bahamas.” NAVA News Sep 1973, p1


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “New flags at U.N.” NAVA News May, 1972, p1

Bailey, J. O. (about)

  • “Oregon state flag” Raven, vol. 15, p32

Bailey, Joel (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p2

Baker, Margaret (auth)

  • “Folklore of the sea (flags and salutes).” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1983, p3

Bakersfield, California

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p28-29

Baky, Bruce (about)

  • “Members show their flags.” NAVA News Jan-Mar, 2002, p10

Baky, Radnor (auth)

  • “Yucatan response.” [Letters] NAVA News Apr-June 2004, p14

Ballinger, Jim (about)

  • “Trial by jury in the court of public opinion: Phoenix reacts to flag art exhibition, Phoenix Art Museum, March 16-June 16, 1996.” Raven v.5, pp7-8

Balloons (aviation)

  • “Evolution of the U.S. National Air Insignia: 1861-present.” Raven v.7, pp57-60

“Baltic Assembly.”

  • NAVA News Nov/Dec 1999, p6

Baltimore, Maryland

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p30-32
  • “Flag house in Baltimore: O, say can you see…” NAVA News July/Aug 1984, p3

Bangert, Richard (about)

  • “Revolutionary Communist Party and flag burning during its forgotten years, 1974-1989.”Raven v.6, p30-32


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2

“‘Banners and bugles’: A performance/lecture on national ‘flag’ anthems.”

  • (abstract) NAVA News Nov/Dec 1993, p4


  • “Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States.” Raven v.3-4, p231


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “Flags in the Caribbean and the Amazon.” NAVA News July/Aug 1990, p1
  • “Two new naval flags.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1990, p6

Barnes, Anthony (about)

  • “Newfoundland flag collector.” NAVA News Winter 1982, p2

Baronian, Luc V. (auth)

  • (vita) Raven v.7, p115
  • “American-influenced flags in lower Canada.” Raven v.7, pp47-56
  • “Flags of Montréal” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2003, p6-12
  • “Franco-Ontarian flag officially recognized by Queen’s Park.” NAVA News April-June 2001, p8
  • “Native symbols in eastern Canada.” NAVA News July-Dec 2000, pp12-13+
  • “(North) American perspectives on heraldry and vexillology: A reply to Whitney Smith.” NAVA News Apr-June 2000, pp14-15
  • “Symbols of former towns of the island of Montréal.” NAVA News Apr-June 2004, p6-9

Baronian, Luc V. (about)

  • “Personal flag registry of NAVA members.” NAVA News Jan-Mar, 2001, p6, centerfold

Barr, James (auth)

  • “Big Apple update.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2003, p12

Barrie, Ontario

  • “Civic flags of Canada.” NAVA News Jan-Apr 1999, p9

Barry, Bernard (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p234

Bartlett, Roscoe (about)

  • “Freedom to display the American Flag Act: Construction and Constitutionality.” Raven vol. 14, p61-64

Bartow, Francis S. (about)

  • “Genesis of the ‘Stars and Bars’.” Raven vol. 12, p2

Bartram, Graham M.P. (about)

  • “NAVA 42: Austin, Texas 2008” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2008, p5

Bartram, Graham (auth)

  • “Flags at the Commonwealth Games.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2002, p13

Barwood, Frances Emma (about)

  • “Trial by jury in the court of public opinion: Phoenix reacts to flag art exhibition, Phoenix Art Museum, March 16-June 16, 1996.” Raven v.5, pp9-10

Barzantny, Joe (illus.)

  • “Amazein’ St. Louis.” NAVA News May/June 1985, p4


  • “New flags in central Russia.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1991, p7


  • “Around the publications.” NAVA News July/Aug 1992, p5
  • “Flags of the Russian federation.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2000, p7
  • “Visual VexiBits.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1993, p5

Basque fishermen

  • “Use of flags on coastal whaling stations.” Raven v.2, pp37-40

Batista, Fulgencio (about)

  • “Variant of Cuba’s July 26th Movement flag.” NAVA News July-Sep 2008, p7

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p33-35

“‘Battle born’ vexillology: The Nevada state flag and its predecessor.”

  • Raven v.1, pp65-89

Bay Mills Indian Community

  • “Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States.” Raven v.3-4, p11

Bay of Pigs, Cuba

  • “Invaders want flag.” NAVA News Apr-June 1976, p1

Bayless, Gilbert (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p67

Bear Flag

  • “First published description of the ‘Bear Flag’.” NAVA News May/June 1996, p3

Beard, J. E. (about)

  • “Members show personal flags.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2003, p10-11

Beard, Randy (about)

  • “‘Ambassador’ Randy Beard.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1992, p7

Beaumont, Texas

  • “Flag of the Beaumont Independent School District.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1992, p7


  • “Oregon state flag” Raven, vol. 15, p36-39

Becker, William M. (auth)

  • “Minnesota Flag Coalition update.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1991, p3
  • “Behind the sound bytes: The new Georgia flag.” NAVA News July-Dec 2001, p25

Becker, William M. (about)

  • “Member in the news: Rev. William M. Becker proposes new flag design for Minnesota.” NAVA News July/Aug 1989, p10

Bedford, Massachusettes

  • “Bedford flag 304 years old.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1984, p1

Bedford flag

  • “Flag and symbol usage in early New England.” Raven vol. 13, p22

Bedford Southside Dragoons

  • “NAVA Flag Conservation Committee active.” NAVA News July-Sep 2002, p13

Belarus, Republic of

  • see also Byelorussia
  • “‘B’ is for Burundi: Byelorussian.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p8, 10
  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1995, p4
  • “Visual VexiBits.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1993, p5


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “Centre Belgo-Europeen d’Etudes des Drapeaux. Belgian-European Flag Studies Centre.” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1991, p5
  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 9

Belgrade (Beograd), Serbia

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 8


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “Belize Defence Force’s flag.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1991, p6

Belgorod Region

  • “Flags of the Russian federation.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2000, p7


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “4 x 6 corner.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1990, p6
  • “Visual VexiBits.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1993, p5

Bennett, Kate (about)

  • “Betsy Ross: An American legend and patriot revisited.” Raven vol. 12, p89

Bennington flag

  • “Letters to the Editor.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 1976, p6
  • “NAVA’s new president. What it means: Lot of flags.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 1977, p8

Berlin, Germany

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 8

Bern, Switzerland

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 9

Berrett, William (about)

  • “United States flag in the American West: The evolution of the United States flags produced by or for U.S. Government entities during the Westward movement, 1777-1876.” Raven v.5, pp73-76

Berthel, Ron (auth)

  • “Question: Who was Barbara Fritchie?” NAVA News Apr-June 1979, p5

Betsy Ross Flag Co. (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p306

“Beyond flags.”

  • NAVA News Mar/Apr 1991, p6


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “New flags at U.N.” NAVA News May, 1972, p1

Biblical symbols

  • “Symbolism in the Israel Defense Forces: A brief overview.” Raven v.2, pp 41-64


  • “Bibliographies available on request.” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1990, p7
  • “Bibliography of congressional acts and presidential executive orders and proclamations relating to general use of the United States flag.” Raven v.5, pp38-55.

Bicentennial (U.S.)

  • “Bicentennial.”
  • “Oops! Wrong flag.” NAVA News April 1973, p3
  • “Bicentennial license plates.” NAVA News March 1974, p2
  • “Bicenterrial symbol usage.” NAVA News March 1974, p6
  • “Editor’s in-basket.” NAVA News Sep 1973, p3
  • “Flag mystery solved.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 1976, p4
  • “Iowa barn roof design flies flag for bicentennial.” NAVA News Apr-June 1976, p4
  • “No kidding.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 1977, p6
  • “North Carolina bicentennial.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 1977, p5
  • “Now, Bicentennial trash.” NAVA News July-Sep 1976, p2
  • “Poster.” NAVA News Dec 1974, p6
  • “United States Bicentennial marked by the issuance of stamps by many nations.” NAVA News Apr-June 1976, p1
  • “United States inviting world to birthday party.” NAVA News Jan 1973, p3
  • “Washington ’76: A living city.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 1977, p5

Big Pine Rancheria

  • “Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States.” Raven v.3-4, p12

Biles, Andrew R.

  • with David Martucci, “Highlights of the NAVA 36 convention.” NAVA News July-Sep 2002, p4-7

“Bill of Rights flag.”

  • NAVA News July/Aug 1992, p9

Billings, Montana

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p36-37

Biloxi (tribe)

  • “Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States.” Raven v.3-4, pp182-184

Birmingham, Alabama

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p38-40

Bismarck, North Dakota

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p41-42

Bixby, E. Merle (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p281-282

“Black & white.”

  • NAVA News Jan/Apr 1999, pp4-5


Blackfoot Confederacy

  • “Flags of the Native Peoples of the United States.” Raven v.3-4, p13
  • “Native Americans encounter Lewis & Clark.” NAVA News July-Sep 2002, p8-9

Blair, John

  • “Parade.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1994, pp1-2, 6

Blake, Trudi Odella (auth)

  • “Old Glory wave your colors.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1985, p6

Blechta, Elsie H. (auth)

  • “Vexillology: The student versus the enthusiast.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1983, p2

Blomstrom , David (auth)

  • “And Florida.” NAVA News May/June 1994, p4
  • “Flags for the northern Southwest: A regional approach.” NAVA News May/June 1995, pp2-3
  • “Flags for the northern Southwest: Nevada.” NAVA News July/Aug 1995, p3
  • “Maine.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1995, p6
  • “Mammals on state flags.” NAVA News July/Aug 1994, p5
  • “Proposed Georgia flag.” NAVA News May/June 1994, p4
  • “Something old and something new: Flag proposals for New England.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1995, p6
  • “Stars on state flags.” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1995, p3

Blue Flag [Award]

  • “Blue flags in America.” NAVA News Sep-Dec 2005, p5

Blumberg, Paul (about)

  • “Revolutionary Communist Party and flag burning during its forgotten years, 1974-1989.” Raven v.6, pp34-36

Boating flags

  • “Flags of recreational boating: A preliminary survey.” Raven v.2, pp79-105

Boehner, John (about)

  • “Freedom to display the American Flag Act: Construction and Constitutionality.” Raven vol. 14, p64

Boer War

  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News July/Aug 1996, p4

Boise, Idaho

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p43-45


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2

Bolívar, Simón (about)

  • “Argentine flag in Monterey.” Raven, vol. 15, p109, 115

Bombay Grab

  • “Striped ensign in Philadelphia in 1754?” Raven, vol. 15, p9, 12-13, 17-18

Bombeck, Erma (auth)

  • “Flag is a mystery, but it stirs emotions.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 1976, p8

Bonaparte, Napoleon and Joseph (about)

  • “Argentine flag in Monterey.” Raven, vol. 15, p113

Bonin Island

  • “Visual vexi-bits.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1993, p5

Bonwell, Donald R. (about)

  • “Court upholds ban against defacing flag.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1982, p1
  • “Revolutionary Communist Party and flag burning during its forgotten years, 1974-1989.” Raven v.6, pp36-39

Book reviews

  • American flag, 1777-1924; Cultural shifts from creation to codification. NAVA News May/June 1991, p1
  • American flag: Two centuries of concord & conflict. NAVA News July-Sep 2007, p10
  • Asafo! African flags of the Fante. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1993, p2
  • Battle flags of Texans in the Confederacy. NAVA News July/Aug 1995, p3
  • Burning the flag. The great 1989-1990 American flag desecration controversy. NAVA News July/Aug 1996, p6
  • By the dawn’s early light: The story of the Star Spangled Banner. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1995, p3
  • Colors & blood: Flag passions of the Confederate South.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2002, p11
  • Confederate flags in the Georgia state capital collection. NAVA News July/Aug 1997, p10
  • Das Große Flaggenbuch. Mar/Apr 1993, p3
  • Designating flags and corps badges. NAVA News April 1973, p2
  • Echos of glory: Arms and equipment of the Confederacy. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1993, p3
  • Flag in American Indian art. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1995, p6
  • “Flag paintings of Childe Hassam.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1988, p9
  • “Flag plates accuracy of the World Almanac and Book of Facts, 1995.” NAVA News May/June 1995, p3
  • Flag we love. NAVA News July/Aug 1996, p6
  • Flag worthy of your state and people; The history of the South Carolina state flag. NAVA News July/Aug 1997, p9
  • Flagchart. NAVA News July/Aug 1994, p4
  • Flags. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1994, p1
  • Flags: A guide to more than 200 flags of the world. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1994, p3
  • Flags and arms across the world. “Notes and queries.” NAVA News May 1980, p4
  • Flags and insignias of gendarmerie and police across the world (Volume II). NAVA News Jan/Feb 1997, p8
  • Flags and logos of international sports federations, associations and organizations. NAVA News Jan-Mar, 2001, p14
  • Flags of all nations. NAVA News March 1974, p4
  • Flags of Aspirant Peoples NAVA News July/Aug 1994, p4
  • Flags of Louisiana. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1996, p2
  • Flags of non-independent peoples. [flag chart] NAVA News Mar/Apr 1991, p1
  • Flags of Paradise [flag chart] NAVA News Mar/Apr 1997, p5
  • Flags of Tennessee. Mar/Apr 1993, p3
  • Flags of Texas. Mar/Apr 1993, p3
  • Flags of the American Civil War, 1: Confederate. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1993, p3
  • Flags of the Civil War. NAVA News Nov/Dec 1994, p8
  • Flags of the Union, an illustrated history. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1994, p3
  • Flags of the United Nations sticker book. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1991, p3
  • Flags of the World. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1993, p2; May/June 1994, p6; Sep/Oct 1994, p3
  • Flags of the World, a comprehensive guide. NAVA News July/Aug 1996, p6
  • Flags through the ages and across the world. NAVA News Jan-Mar 1976, p3
  • Flags through the ages and across the world. “Notes and queries.” NAVA News May 1980, p4
  • “Grand old flag: A history of the United States through its flags.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2008, p8
  • Hallowed banners. NAVA News Jan-Mar 2007, p2
  • Identifying flags: The new compact study guide and identifier. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1994, p3
  • (Ir)rational parks: An offbeat look at wilderness, tourism, & America. NAVA News July/Aug 1996, p6
  • Las Banderas. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1995, p6
  • Make your own outdoor flags & banners. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1997, p5-6
  • Nation into state: The shifting symbolic foundations of American nationalism. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1989, p3-4
  • National and commercial flags of all nations. NAVA News March 1974, p4
  • “New flag chart.” NAVA News Apr-June 1978, p6
  • New flags. NAVA News April 1973, p3
  • New glory, part II. NAVA News July-Sep 1977, p7
  • Observer’s book of flags. NAVA News June 1980, p2-3
  • “Old Glory, the American flag in contemporary art: Cleveland Center for Contemporary Art.” NAVA News July/Aug 1995, p4
  • Our flag: The star-spangled banner. NAVA News July/Aug 1989, p5
  • Philip Steel’s little library flags. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1995, p6
  • Portrait of favorite American presidents. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1995, p6
  • Rand McNally I know about flags. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1995, p6
  • Saga of the American flag * An illustrated history. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1990, p5
  • Saving ‘Old Glory’, A history of the American flag desecration controversy. NAVA News Nov/Dec 1994, p8; Mar/Apr 1995, p3
  • So proudly we hail: The history of the United States flag. NAVA News Fall 1981, p5
  • Stars and stripes. NAVA News Oct-Dec 1976, p3 [last paragraph]
  • “Stars and stripes; A patriotic potpourri of star-spangled Americana.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1987, p4
  • Stars and stripes forever: The history of our flag. Mar/Apr 1993, p3
  • Symbols: Myth, magic, fact, and fancy. NAVA News Fall 1981, p8
  • Symbols of Montana. Mar/Apr 1993, p3
  • Symbols of the nations. NAVA News Dec 1973, p3
  • Thirteen-star flags: Keys to identification. NAVA News March 1974, p2
  • Thirteen-star flags: keys to identification. NAVA News Jan-Mar 1977, p4
  • Uniforms, flags, and insignia of South Vietnam. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1997, p5
  • United States flagbook. NAVA News Jan/Feb 1997, p8
  • World atlas of flags. NAVA News July-Sep 2005, p12
  • World encyclopedia of flags. NAVA News Sep/Oct 1999, p8
  • World map/flag chart. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1995, p3
  • World of flags. NAVA News Mar/Apr 1995, p3
  • Your state flag. NAVA News March 1974, p2

Boone, Daniel (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p118

Booth, John Wilkes (about)

  • “The bunting that tripped John Wilkes Booth.” NAVA News Apr-June 1979, p5
  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News May/June 1994, p2

Borejsza, Maria (auth)

  • “Emblem with the eagle. NAVA News Oct-Dec 1978, p4-5

Bornholm, Denmark

  • “Vexi-bits: International.” NAVA News May/June 1989, p4

Boronczyk, Timothy M. (about)

  • “Personal flag registry of NAVA members.” NAVA News Jan-Mar, 2001, p6, centerfold

Boru, Brian (about)

  • “Two Irish flags: A comparative analysis.” Raven v. 11, p72-3


  • “Around the publications.” NAVA News July/Aug 1992, p4
  • “Bosnia.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1997, pp4, 7
  • “Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1997, p7
  • “Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1993, p2
  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p9, 11
  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1996, p7; Nov/Dec 1997,p5; Jan/Feb 1998, p7
  • “Visual VexiBits.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1993, p5

Boston, Massachusetts

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p46-48


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2

Bott, W. M. (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p247

Bouchard, Hippolyte de (about)

  • “Argentine flag in Monterey.” Raven, vol. 15, p107, p108-116

Bounds, William (about)

  • “Flag-waving machine.” NAVA News May/June 1985, p3

Bouton, Kenneth A. (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p184

Boy Scouts of America

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p118, 202, 355
  • “Scouting/USA.” NAVA News Spring 1984, p4
  • “Flag Plaza: the flag heart of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.” NAVA News Spring 1982, p2

Bowles, Michael (about)

  • “Revolutionary Communist Party and flag burning during its forgotten years, 1974-1989.”Raven v.6, pp39-40

Boyce, William W. (about)

  • “Genesis of the ‘Stars and Bars’.” Raven vol. 12, p16-17, 20

Bozeman, Don (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p165

Brady, Hugh L. (about)

  • “NAVA 42: Austin, Texas 2008” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2008, p4

Brady, Hugh L. (auth)

  • “Editor’s note/ From the president” NAVA News regular feature
  • “Preserving the record.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2008, inside front cover

Braley, Bethany (auth)

  • “National Day of the Cowboy.” NAVA News Apr-June 2008, p4-6

Branch Davidians

  • “Note from the president…Scot Guenter.” NAVA News May/June 1993, p1

Brandford, Ontario

  • “Civic flags of Canada.” NAVA News Jan-Apr 1999, p9

Brannon, Charles E. (about)

  • “Flag exhibit.” NAVA News May, 1972, p2

Bratislava, Slovakia

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 9

Braverman, Doreen (auth)

  • “NAVA 18 – West Coast success!” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1984, p1
  • “Notes from Doreen Braverman, NAVA president.” NAVA News regular feature 1986-87
  • “Permanent site for NAVA: President Braverman reports.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1987, p4
  • “Report from your new president.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1986, p1

Braverman, Doreen (about)

  • “From the president…Don Healy.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1990, p3
  • “Who buys a flag?” NAVA News May/June 1983, p8


  • “Around the publications.” NAVA News July/Aug 1995, p6
  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “Flags in the Caribbean and the Amazon.” NAVA News July/Aug 1990, p1
  • “Letters.” NAVA News Spring 1982, p2
  • “Scandinavian Cross and the Southern Cross: ‘The Federal Republic of the Gaucho Pampa’.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1993, p8
  • “Symbols of Tocantins state, Brazil.” NAVA News May/June 1991, p3
  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News July/Aug 1993, p3; Mar/Apr 1994, p2; Nov/Dec 1994, p6; Nov/Dec 1996, p6
  • “Visual VexiBits.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1993, p5
  • “Women and flags: A never outmoded fashion.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 1975, p3

Brazilian Gringos

  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News July/Aug 1993, p2

Breitenbach, David (auth)

  • “Flying the flag, 1921.” NAVA News Apr-June 2004, p5

“‘Bremen ensign on a U.S. frigate’: Striped rank flags in the U.S. Navy, 1870-1876.”

  • NAVA News Apr-June 2000, p3

Breschi, Roberto (auth)

  • “Last flag of the Republic of Lucca.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2000, pp4-6
  • see also “Errata.” NAVA News Apr-June 2000, p16
  • “Yucatan response.” [Letters] NAVA News Apr-June 2004, p14

Breton Vexillological Society

  • “SBV presidential flag.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2003, p15

Bridgeport, Connecticut

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p49-50

Bridges, Charles L. (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p293

British Antarctic Territory

  • “Introducing the new flag of the British Antarctic Territory.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1998, pp6-7

British Columbia

  • “BC flag not so proud.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1984, p4
  • “Botanical Garden flag at University of British Columbia.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1983, p1
  • “Burnaby, British Columbia.” NAVA News July/Aug. 1998, p4
  • “Can you identify these flags?” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1997, p7
  • “Nanaimo, British Columbia.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1977, p2
  • “Oak Bay, British Columbia.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1997, p2
  • “Oliver, British Columbia.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2007, p8-9
  • “Port Coquitlam, British Columbia.” NAVA News Jan-Apr 1999, p10
  • “Prince George, British Columbia.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1999, pp1, 13
  • “Showing the flag.” NAVA News Summer 1981, p5

British Indian Ocean Territory

  • “Two new naval flags.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1990, p6

British Union Jack

  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1998, p6

Brittany banner of arms

  • Incorrectly shown in NAVA News Jan-Apr 1999, corrected Sep/Oct 1999, p10

Brockville, Ontario

  • “Civic flags of Canada.” NAVA News Jan-Apr 1999, p8

Broh-Kahn, Daniel (auth)

  • “Editor’s note: A work in progress.” NAVA News July-Sep 2007, inside front cover, p1
  • “Editor’s note: On deck.” NAVA News Apr-June 2007, inside front cover, p1
  • “First timer at NAVA-35.” NAVA News Oct-Dec 2001, p2-4
  • “Which city has flown the most flags?” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2008, p9

Bronck, Jonas (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p239-40

Brooke, Walker (about)

  • “Genesis of the ‘Stars and Bars’.” Raven vol. 12, p3,

Brooklyn, New York

  • “Brooklyn’s flag.” NAVA News May, 1972, p2

Brother Jonathan

  • “Wave it or wear it? The United States flag as a fashion icon.” Raven vol. 14, p37-38

Brown, Floyd (about)

  • “Law barring flag burning is challenged.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1984, p3

Brown, Guillermo (about)

  • “Argentine flag in Monterey.” Raven, vol. 15, p110-116

Brown, Jim (about)

  • “Members show their flags.” NAVA News July-Sep 2005, p14

Brownell, F.G. (auth)

  • “New southern African flags.” (abstract) NAVA News Jan/Feb 1988, p6

Brummell, Beau (about)

  • “Oregon state flag” Raven, vol. 15, p37


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2

Brunswick, Ohio

  • “NAVA member in the news: Hobbyist unfurls city’s very own flag.” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1988, p4

Bruske, Ed (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p355

Brussels (Bruxelles), Belgium

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 9
  • [Letter] NAVA News July-Sep 2004, p15

Bryansk Region

  • “Flags of the Russian federation.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2000, p7

Bryant, Arkansas

  • “New flag unveiled in Bryant, Arkansas.” NAVA News Apr-June 2004, p12

Bucharest (Bucuresti), Romania

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p6, 9

Budapest, Hungary

  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p7, 8

Buell, Augustus C. (about)

  • “First navy jack” Raven v. 11, p27

Buffalo, New York

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p51-53

Buffalo Soldiers

  • “Flag Day tribute.” NAVA News Apr-June 2000, p1

Bug screen flag

  • “VexiBits.” NAVA News May/June 1999, p3


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2
  • “Flags of the European capitals.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2004, p9, 11
  • “4×6 corner.” NAVA News May/June 1994, p6
  • “Visual Vexi-Bits.” NAVA News May/June 1993, p4

Bullock, T.L. (about)

  • “To make the unmistakable signal ‘Canada’: The Canadian Army’s ‘Battle flag’ during the Second World War.” Raven vol. 14, p9

Burch, Benjamin F. (about)

  • “Oregon state flag” Raven, vol. 15, p28-31


  • “Burgee correction.” NAVA News July-Dec 2001, p26
  • “Flags of recreational boating: A preliminary survey.” Raven v.2, pp81-89
  • “Pennant or burgee?” NAVA News Jan-Mar 1980 p11

Burial flag

  • “U.S. burial flag.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1999, p11

Burkett, E. Jane (about)

  • “Editor’s notes.” NAVA News July/Aug 1986, p4

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta)

  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2

Burlington, Vermont

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p54-56


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2

Burnaby, British Columbia

  • “Burnaby, British Columbia.” NAVA News July/Aug 1998, p4

“Burning flag stamp: Gravure press printing freaks and other errors and other oddities attract interest.”

  • NAVA News Mar/Apr 1991, p6

Burris, Frank (about)

  • “American city flags.” Raven vol. 9/10, p298

Burris, Jack (about)

  • “Flagpole refurbisher is his own sales staff.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1984, p2

Burry, Arthur A. (about)

  • “NAVA meetings through the years.” NAVA News Spring 1981, p6


  • “‘B’ is for Burundi.” NAVA News Sep/Oct 1989, p2


  • “Flags of the Russian federation.” NAVA News Jan-Mar 2000, p7

Bush, George W. (about)

  • “Freedom to display the American Flag Act: Construction and Constitutionality.” Raven vol. 14, p61, 63

Business cards

  • “Business cards.” NAVA News May/June 1988, p5

“Busy as a banner? An opinion.”

  • NAVA News May/June 1991, p7

“By the numbers: Art and mathematics as partners in flag design.”

  • NAVA News Mar/Apr 1998, pp3-4


  • see also Belarus
  • “Flags of former Soviet republics.” NAVA News Jan/Feb 1993, p4
  • “New flags in central Russia.” NAVA News Nov/Dec 1991, p7
  • “‘U’ is for USSR: Flags of former Soviet republics.” NAVA News Mar/Apr 1996, p3