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HomeNAVA 47 (2013)


NAVA 47 Flag Image

NAVA 47 Flag Photo

NAVA 47: Salt Lake City, Utah
Plaza Hotel at Temple Square
October 11–13, 2013
Details and additional photos of NAVA 47 The NAVA 47 Flag Reminiscent of NAVA's flag, the design by John Hartvigsen in blue and white features a golden beehive for Utah, the Beehive State.  The large star below the beehive signifies the "Rising Star of Deseret" shown on many early flags of Utah history.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: John M. Hartvigsen (chair), Ronald L. Fox, Ryan James, Edward B. Kaye, Devaughn J. Simper, and Paul B. Swenson
Significant Events
  • The opening ceremonies on Saturday morning featured the first public performance of NAVA's anthem Winchester Fanfare, composed by member Mason Kaye and approved by the Executive Board for use at all NAVA events.
  • The Doreen Braverman Award and Kevin Harrington Award were added to the Association's awards and honors program.
  • The inaugural George Henry Preble Lecture was held, named in honor of Rear Admiral Preble, author of the first significant history of the U.S. flag.
  • The inaugural Whitney Smith Dinner, named in honor of NAVA's founder, was held.

A garrison-sized flag decorated the host hotel, courtesy of Colonial Flags

The George Henry Preble Lecture

“Terrible as an Army with Banners”, Richard E. Bennett Ph.D., president of the Mormon History Association and professor and chair, Department of Church History, Brigham Young University.  Delivered at the Relief Society Room, Joseph Smith Memorial Building, Salt Lake City.

His address was published in Raven: A Journal of Vexillology 21 (2014): 1–18 (Download his 18 page paper here).

The Tours

Early arrivers attended the weekly rehearsal of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Thursday evening which began with a tour of Temple Square lead by John Hartvigsen, the NAVA 47 organizing committee chair.  Other tours included the State Capitol, the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum, the Fort Douglas Military Museum, and Ensign Peak.  At Fort Douglas, the group examined the United States Color of the 24th Infantry Regiment’s Buffalo Soldiers, who were stationed at Fort Douglas in the 1890s.

The Whitney Smith Dinner

The inaugural Whitney Smith Dinner was held at the Lion House, South Lake City.  In honor of Dr. Smith’s remarkable record of achievement as a vexillologist, the Executive Board renamed the traditional Saturday night banquet as the Whitney Smith Dinner.

Hugh Brady delivered the keynote address, a report on the recent transfer of the Flag Research Center Collection to the Dolph Briscoe Center for American History at The University of Texas.

Announced Awards and Honors:
  • Captain William Driver Award – Dean C. Thomas.
  • John Purcell Award – John M. Hartvigsen.
  • Kevin Harrington Award – Kevin Harrington.
  • Doreen Braverman Award – Doreen Braverman.
  • Whitney Smith Fellow – Charles A. Spain.
  • Honorary Membership (for distinguished service to the Association) – Kirby A. Baker, Don E. Carleton, and Austin Smith.
  • Revisiting the Flag at Prospect Hill: Grand Union or Just British? - Byron DeLear, Virginia
  • Revitalized Flag Magic: Flag Retirement Rituals and the Power of Talismans. - Scot M. Guenter, California
  • The Flag's Own Right: Right, Wrong, or Sinister Conspiracy? - John M. Hartvigsen, Utah
  • Ancient Israel's Standards. - Marilyn Hichborn, California
  • The Hawaiian Flag Has Always Been White, Red, and Blue. - Patrick Ka'aot, Hawaii
  • Flags of New World Slave Risings. - Steven A. Knowlton, Tennessee
  • Historical Flags of Our Ancestors. - Pete Loeser, California
  • Flags as Flair: The Iconography of Space Shuttle Mission Patches. - Anne M. Platoff, California
  • Storage of Collections: A Time for Great Possibilities. - Gwen Spicer, New York
  • Backstage Anecdotes from the 2002 Salt Lake Winter Olympics' Medals/Flags Ceremony Team. - Paul B. Swenson, Utah
  • Flags and Emblems of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Vexillidolatry in its
  • Purest Form. - Dean Thomas, Arkansas
  • Exploring the Genealogy of the President's Flag of the U.S.A., 1915-1959. - Robert M. Williamson, North Carolina
Fiscal Sponsors:

Driver Award: Advertising Flag Co., Bear Flag Museum, CRW Flags, Dixie Flag Mfg. Co., The Flag Guys, The Flag Shop (BC), Herold Flags, Preservation Designs, Six-Sided Simulations.

Attendees: (67)
Mary Ansoff*
Peter Ansoff
Chris Bedwell
Hugh Brady
Doreen Braverman
Jack Braverman*
David Breitenbach
Al Cavalari
Joe Cook*
Kate Cushman*
Liam Cushman
Byron DeLear
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith
Chuck Douglas*
Federico Drews
Henriette Essapo (Cameroon)*
Jim Ferrigan
Kathleen Forrest*
Ron Fox
Scot Guenter
Kevin Harrington
Deanna Hartvigsen*
John Hartvigsen
Kenneth Hartvigsen
Hal Hichborn*
Marilyn Hichborn
Ryan James
Bea Jones
Heinke S. Ka'anoi*
Patrick Ka'anoi
Ted Kaye
Steve Knowlton
Amy Langston
Julianna Langston*
Vernón León
Marianne Loeser*
Pete Loeser
Jack Lowe
Maxime Meka Meka (Cameroon)
Joan Merrington
Rich Monahan
Kevin Murray
Corey Oisen
Michael Orelove
David Ott
Annie Platoff
Michael Platoff*
Gary Randall
Ken Reynolds
Bobbie Rezutek*
David Rodearmel
Tim Seipel
DeVaughn Simper
Greg Slayden
Chris Smith
Randy Smith
Lawrence Soucier*
Kin Spain
Gwen Spicer
Paul Swenson
Elizabeth Swenson*
Dean Thomas
Gus Tracchia
Pete Van de Putte
Vanessa Van de Putte
Gil Vegas
Robert Williamson
* companion
Original flag image drawn by John Hartvigsen – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA