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HomeNAVA 45 (2011)

NAVA 45 / ICV 24

NAVA 45 / ICV 24 Flag Image*

NAVA 45 / ICV 24 Flag Photo

NAVA 45 / ICV 24: Washington D.C.
George Washington Masonic Memorial, Alexandria, Virginia  USA
August 1–5, 2011
Details and additional photos of NAVA 45 The 24th International Congress of Vexillology, hosted by NAVA and CBFA, also served as NAVA's 45th annual meeting.

The NAVA 45/ICV 24 Flag:

The Congress flag has white stars on blue and red stars on white that represent, respectively, the host nation and city, the United States of America, and Washington D.C.  There are 24 stars in all, echoing the number of the Congress.  The blue-and-white and the quartered design also recall, respectively, the state flags of Virginia and Maryland, the two states adjacent to the District of Columbia.  The flag was designed by Tony Burton of Australia.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA 

Organizing Committee: Ted Kaye (coordinator), Peter Ansoff (venue chair), Gus Tracchia (program chair), Jack Lowe (CBFA liaison), Hugh Brady (NAVA liaison).

Significant Events:

  • The Presidential Citation was added to the Association's awards and honors program.

The Featured Tours:

Participants visited the National Museum of American History at the Smithsonian Institution, which displays some of the most cherished flags of the country’s early days:   “Old Glory”, Captain William Driver’s famous banner which provided the U.S. flag’s nickname, and the newly-restored Star-Spangled Banner, the inspiration for the National Anthem, among the hundreds of flags in its collection.  Congress participants had the unique opportunity of visiting the back-room flag storage facilities at the museum, and the privilege of opening any drawer to examine the flags.

Conservator Jim Ferrigan prepares flags from the Zaricor Collection for display.

Examining General Benjamin Butler's Civil-War-era flag in a conservation room at the Smithsonian.

The post-meeting tour visited the U.S. Naval Academy in nearby Annapolis, Maryland, which houses the United States Navy Trophy Flag Collection with more than 600 historic American and captured foreign flags, and toured the Maryland State House, completed in 1779, the first peacetime capitol of the United States with a replica John Shaw flag (1783) hanging in the rotunda.

The Presentations:

  • Sir Charles Fawcett Redux: The Historical Connection Between the British East India Company Flag and the American Continental Colors — Peter A. Ansoff, Virginia.
  • Unity in Flags — Ralph G. C. Bartlett FF, Australia.
  • Stillborn: Flags Designed for the “Republic of KwaNdebele” — Bruce B. Berry M.A., FF, South Africa.
  • Sokol Flags: The Symbols of the Croatian Sokol Movement up to 1914Jelena Borošak-Marijanović, Croatia.
  • Did the United States Influence the Czechoslovak National Flag? — Aleš Brožek FF, Czech Republic.
  • Raising the Standard: An Argument from Design — Anthony C. Burton, Australia.
  • Aquella Bandera Cubana...La Original — Avelino V Couceiro Rodríguez, Cuba.
  • Flags of Constructed Languages — Patrice de la Condamine, France.
  • Four Forgotten Norwegian Ensigns — Jan Oskar Engene Ph.D., FF, Norway.
  • Foreign Influences on the Development of Russian Military Flags — Arthur W. Etchells III Ph.D., Pennsylvania.
  • The Flag of the City of Buenos Aires: Four Centuries of History — Francisco Gregoric, Argentina.
  • Two Famous American Flags — Dale Grimes, Jr., Maryland.
  • The Rise and Fall of Worldface: Social Networking, Stereotyping, and the Power of Flags — Scot M. Guenter Ph.D., LF, FF, California.
  • Utah’s Adoption of Two Legislative Measures Affecting the Utah State Flag — John M. Hartvigsen, Utah.
  • Picturing Flag Violence in Civil War Sheet Music: The Case of “Down With the Traitors’ Serpent Flag” — Kenneth Hartvigsen M.A., Massachusetts.
  • San Diego’s Indian Tribal Flags — Donald T. Healy, Arizona.
  • National Identity in the Political Party Flags in Croatia — Željko Heimer, Croatia.
  • Why Flags? Searching for an Essence of Flags — Lee L. Herold, Minnesota.
  • Catalan Modernism and Vexillology — Sebastiá Herreros i Agüí FF, Catalunya.
  • The 20th Anniversary Under the Slovene FlagTadej Jakopič, Slovenia.
  • Southern Cross Down Under — Ralph D. Kelly FF, Australia.
  • Gibralter: The Rock with Its Own Symbols — Roman Klimeš, Germany.
  • From the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands to the Federated States of Micronesia — Michel R. Lupant, Belgium,
  • The Mysterious John Hewson–Martha Washington Flag — Christopher Maddish, Pennsylvania.
  • The Standards of the Manahttoes, Pavonia, and Hell-Gate — David B. Martucci, Maine.
  • British Royal Standards 1199–Present — Geoff Parsons and Michael Faul, United Kingdom.
  • Six Flags over Luna?: The Role of Flags in Moon Landing Conspiracy Theories — Anne M. Platoff M.S., M.A., California.
  • The Orange Pennant: The Dutch Response to a Flag Dilemma — Jos Poels FF, The Netherlands.
  • The Maritime Influence on the Municipal Flags of Atlantic Canada — Robert Raeside Ph.D., FF, N.S., Canada.
  • Following the Voice: The Eyes of Vexillology — Alain Raullet, Brittany.
  • Political Party Flags of San MarinoMarcus E.V. Schmöger, Germany.
  • The Treatment of the 4th Regiment U.S.C.T. Civil War Flag — Gwen Spicer M.S., FAIC, N.Y., and Alexandra Deutsch M.A., Maryland.
  • Discoveries Made While Preserving the Star-Spangled Banner — Suzanne Thomassen-Krauss M.S., Washington D.C.
  • On a Scale of 1 to 10 — Peter Hans Van den Muijzenberg, The Netherlands.
  • Translating Coats of Arms and Emblems into Flags — Marcel van Westerhoven, The Netherlands.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Kenneth Hartvigsen M.A.
  • Honorary Membership (for distinguished service to the Association): Scot M. Guenter Ph.D.
  • Presidential Citations: John M. Hartvigsen and The Rev. Richardson A. Libby

The Annual Business Meeting:

The 2011 NAVA Board presided over NAVA's annual business meeting during the 24th International Congress of Vexillology.  Seated from left to right: Gus Tracchia (1st Vice President), Hugh Brady (President), Annie Platoff (2nd Vice President), Bill Trinkle (Secretary), and Ted Kaye (Treasurer).

Fiscal Sponsors:

President’s Reception: CRW Flags
Driver Award: Bear Flag Museum, CRW Flags, Dixie Flag Mfg. Co., The Flag Guys, The Flag Shop (BC), Herold Flags, Jeff R. Bridgman American Antiques, Preservation Designs, TME Co.

Attendees: (185, a record for ICVs to date)

Neil Abelsma, USA
Alvaro Alegría, Spain*
José C. Alegría, Spain
Santiago Alegría, Spain*
George Anhang, USA*
William Anhang, Canada
Peter Ansoff, USA
Mary Rouse Ansoff, USA*
Maikel Arista-Salado, USA/Cuba
Nick Artimovich, USA
Francine Aspeslagh, Belgium*
Roger Baert, Belgium
Per Magnus Banck, Sweden
Ralph Bartlett, Australia
Graham Bartram, United Kingdom
Chris Bedwell, USA
Bruce Berry, South Africa
Jean-Paul Billaut, France
Jelena Borošak-Marijanović, Croatia
Pat Bowers, USA*
Rick Bowers, USA
Hugh Brady, USA
David Breitenbach, USA
Daniel Broh-Kahn, USA
Elizabeth Brown, USA
Aleš Brožek, Czech Republic
Hana Brožková, Czech Republic*
Zuzana Brožková, Czech Republic*
Tony Burton, Australia
Al Cavalari, USA
Joe Cook, USA*
Avelino Couceiro, Cuba
James Croft, USA
Perry Dane, USA
Elizabeth Dangaard, Australia*
David Davidson, USA*
Olivia Davidson, USA*
Paul Davidson, USA
Patrice de la Condamine, France
Alexandra Deutsch, USA*
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith, USA
Federico Drews, USA
Elisabeth Dreyer, Switzerland*
Emil Dreyer, Switzerland
Trish Dunkerley, USA*
Patricia Edwards, Canada*
Peter Edwards, Canada
Jan Oskar Engene, Norway
Arthur Etchells, USA
Petr Exner, Czech Republic
Petr Exner, Jr., Czech Republic*
Cristina Fernandez, Spain*
Jim Ferrigan, USA
Sonia Flores Nuñez, Chile*
Anamaría Ford, México / UK*
John Ford, United Kingdom
Anna María Galán, Catalunya*
James Giraudo, USA
Francisco Gregoric, Argentina
Dale Grimes, Jr., USA
Dale Grimes, Sr., USA*
Jim Grossfeld, USA
Scot Guenter, USA
Carl Gurtman, USA
John Hartvigsen, USA
Kenneth Hartvigsen, USA
Don Healy, USA
Željko Heimer, Croatia
Lee Herold, USA
Sebastià Herreros Agüí, Catalunya
Andreas Herzfeld, Germany
Irina Herzfeld, Germany*
Hal Hichborn, USA*
Marilyn Hichborn, USA
Rolf Hinterberger, Switzerland
Cathy Hook, USA*
Julianna Howland, USA*
Josef Hubka, Czech Republic
Tadej Jakopič, Slovenia
Jovan Jonovski, Macedonia
Debbie Kaye, USA*
Mason Kaye, USA*
Ted Kaye, USA
Patricia Keegan Poels, Netherlands*
Ralph Kelly, Australia
Suzanne Kelly, Australia*
Steve Kempler, USA*
Suzette Kempler, USA*
Roman Klimeš, Czech Republic
Steve Kramer, USA
Jožef Lajevec, Slovenia
Amy Langston, USA
Rick Langston, USA*
Dick Libby, USA
Kathryn Libby, USA*
Max Liberman, USA
Marlene Little, USA
Romaine Little, USA*
Pete Loeser, USA
Rudi Longueville, Belgium
Jack Lowe, USA
Karen Lowe, USA*
Glen Luckock, Canada*
Michel Lupant, Belgium
Eric MacCallan, USA
Christopher Maddish, USA
Scott Mainwaring, USA
David Martucci, USA
Janet Martucci, USA*
Tamta Melelashvili, Georgia
Jan Mertens, Belgium
Barbara Moeller, USA*
Henry Moeller, USA
Rich Monahan, USA
Dennis Moore, USA
Janie Moore, USA*
Jan Henrik Munksgaard, Norway
Kevin Murray, USA
Greg Nedved, USA
Monica Nehl, Sweden*
Annie Olle, France*
Peter Orenski, USA
Juan Ormeño Cofré, Chile
Liliana Ormeño Flores, Chile*
David Ott, USA
Geoffrey Parsons, United Kingdom
Matthias Paschke, Germany*
David Phillips, USA
Annie Platoff, USA
Michael Platoff, USA*
Jos Poels, Netherlands
Sven Poels, Netherlands*
Jon Radel, USA
Rob Raeside, Canada
Wendy Raeside, Canada*
Gary Randall, USA
Alain Raullet, Brittany, France
Philippe Rault, Brittany, France
Marc Reid, Canada*
Aslaug Riisnes, Norway*
James Ritchie, USA
Jesse Ritson, USA*
Mark Ritzenhein, USA
Peggy Rose, USA*
Isabelle Rousseau, France
Zvi Ruder, USA
Marcus E. V. Schmöger, Germany
Dirk Schönberger, Germany
Clyde Simpson, USA
Collin Simpson, USA
Randy Smith, USA
Gustav Söderlund, Finland
Lawrence Soucier, USA*
Charles A. Spain, USA
Sara Spencer, USA*
Ted Spencer, USA
Gwen Spicer, USA
Joe Stefanko, USA*
Ron Strachan, Australia
Sarah Strange, USA
Mike Thomas, Luxembourg
Olivia Thomas, Luxembourg*
Viviane Thomas-Ginter, Luxembourg*
Gustavo Tracchia, USA
Bill Trinkle, USA
Pete Van de Putte, USA
Henry Van de Putte III, USA
Peter Hans Van den Muijzenberg, Netherlands
Marcel van Westerhoven, Netherlands
Karen Veninga-Zaricor, USA*
Louise Veninga-Zaricor, USA*
Tanya Veninga-Zaricor, USA*
Adrian Wagner, USA*
David Wagner, USA
Hugh Warner, USA
Claudia Wert, USA
Monica Westberg, Finland*
Don Wheeler, Canada
Stephen Wilensky, USA*
Jackson Will, USA
Maia Will, USA*
Cindy Williams, USA
Rick Wyatt, USA
Peter Yanachkov, USA/Bulgaria
Ben Zaricor, USA
* companion
Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA