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HomeNAVA 40 (2006)


NAVA 40 Flag Image

NAVA 40 Flag Photo

NAVA 40: Reno, Nevada
Siena Reno Hotel/Spa/Casino
October 13–15, 2006
Details and additional photos of NAVA 40: The NAVA 40 Flag: Designed by Sophie Rault of Rostrenen, France, the flag is swallow-tailed to denote a decennial meeting.  The blue field, the silver star in the canton, and the golden-yellow stripe recall the Nevada state flag.  The three blue-white-red stripes represent the Association; the four stripes together represent NAVA's 40th anniversary and are V-shaped for vexillology.  The proportions are 5:8.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: James J. Ferrigan III and Edward B. Kaye

Significant Events:

  • A visit to the Marjorie Russell Clothing and Textile Research Center allowed NAVA members to hear an interesting talk from the curators and to view an extensive flag collection, including several historic Nevada state flags and the 1856 Fremont-Dayton campaign flag.
  • At the Saturday night banquet Dr. Robert A. Nylen, the curator of history at the Nevada State Museum in Carson City, spoke on Nevada history.  An accomplished researcher and writer on the subject, he served on the 18-member committee charged with shepherding the design for the Nevada quarter, selected in 2004.

The Featured Tours:

The Saturday tour took attendees to the Marjorie Russell Clothing and Textile Research Center, then to historic Virginia City, a silver mining town in the largest National Historic District in the country, with a visit to the basement museum of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, which houses a rare Nevada state flag from the early 1900s.  The tour continued to Carson City to see the Nevada state capitol and a display of the full set of Nevada county flags.

The Presentations:

  • More Flags of Nevada — James J. Ferrigan III, Nevada.
  • 10,000 Klicks for Flag Kicks: Flags Over Northern Ontario — Kevin Harrington M.A.(T.). Ontario.
  • Twelve Tribes of Israel — Marilyn Hichborn, California.
  • Social and Business Aspects of Good Flag Design — Peter Orenski Ph.D., Connecticut.
  • To Make the Unmistakable Signal “CANADA”: The Canadian Army's “Battle Flag” During the Second World War — Ken Reynolds Ph.D., Ontario.
  • Political Aspects of Vexillography — Whitney Smith Ph.D., LF, FF, WSF, Massachusetts.
  • Flags and Medals — Gustavo Tracchia FF, New York.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Ken Reynolds Ph.D.

Fiscal Sponsors:

Driver Award: Advertising Flag Co., Ardgay Flag Service, CRW Flags, Dixie Flag Mfg. Co., The Flag Center, The Flag Guys, The Flag Shop (BC), Gettysburg Flag Works, Herold Flags, Jeff Bridgman American Antiques, Preservation Designs, Six-Sided Simulations, TME Co.

Attendees: (55)

Phil Allen
Peter Ansoff
Carlos Arias*
Hugh Brady
David Breitenbach
Roberto Breno*
Pat Carter
Al Cavalari
Dick Clark
Carita Culmer
MaryAnn Docktor-Smith
Tony Doyle
Jim Ferrigan
André Fournier
Martin Francis
Kevin Harrington
Hal Hichborn*
Marilyn Hichborn
John Hood
Vivian Jackson*
Bea Jones
Ted Kaye
Rich Kenny
Peter Kinderman
Jack Lowe
David Martucci
Regina Maybury (Australia)*
Rich Monahan
Dennis Moore
Janie Moore*
Stan Mottaz
Kevin Murray
Tracy O'Brien
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
David Ott
John Purcell
Jon Radel
Gary Randall
Ken Reynolds
Peggy Rose*
Ralph Satterberg
Randy Smith
Whitney Smith
Larry Soucier*
Kin Spain
Susan Sperry
Ron Strachan (Australia)
Gustavo Tracchia
Bill Trinkle
Peter Turek
Pete Van de Putte
Enikö Varga*
Gilbert Vegas
Rafael Yates Sosa (Mexico)
* companion
Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA