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HomeNAVA 39 (2005)


NAVA 39 Meeting Flag

NAVA 39 Meeting Flag Photo

NAVA 39: Nashville, Tennessee
Sheraton Nashville Downtown
October 7–9, 2005
Details and additional photos of NAVA 39: The NAVA 39 Flag:

The NAVA 39 flag was designed by James W. Ritchie of Elizabethton, Tennessee.  The flag shows the NAVA chevron appearing as the blue bar on the right of the Tennessee flag.  The circle and stars of the Tennessee flag appear within the chevron.  The fimbriated blue stripe on the fly of the Tennessee flag was moved and reshaped to form the “V” of vexillology, and the Tennessee tri-star badge shifted up and centered above the “V”.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee Chair: Devereaux D. Cannon, Jr.

Significant Events:

  • At Saturday night's banquet, State Senator Douglas Henry gave the keynote address.  He reflected on his deep and abiding fascination of the history of his state, and gave an interesting and informative history of the Tennessee state flag.
  • On Sunday the full-size replica of Captain Driver’s “Old Glory” (shown in the group photo) was auctioned.  Captain Driver's name graces NAVA’s award for the highest level of vexillological scholarship presented each year.  The captain, a native of Salem, Massachusetts, coined the phrase “Old Glory” to refer to the U.S. flag.
  • A planned visit to Driver's gravesite on Saturday was cancelled, as the cemetery was unexpectedly closed.

The Featured Tours:

On Saturday attendees toured the collections of the Tennessee State Museum.  The museum is famous for its outstanding Civil War flag collection.

The Presentations:

  • Flag Display and Precedence in Governmental Circles: The Québec Case — Patrice de la Brosse, Québec.
  • Understanding Francis Hopkinson — John B. Harker M.A., Florida.
  • Flags in Our Lives — Lee Herold, Minnesota.
  • ‘A Splendid and Beautiful Silk Flag’: Restoring and Remembering America’s History Stitch-by-Stitch — Laura Kidd Ph.D., Illinois.
  • Flag and Symbol Usage in Early New England — David B. Martucci, Maine.
  • New Flags for an Old Country — Phillipe Rault, France.
  • The Sun of May (Argentina 18101818) — Gustavo Tracchia FF, New York.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: David B. Martucci

Fiscal Sponsors:

Driver Award:  Advertising Flag Co., Ardgay Flag Service, CRW Flags, Dixie Flag Mfg. Co., Elmer's Flag & Banner, The Flag Guys, The Flag Shop (BC), Herold Flags, L. Ph. Bolander & Sons, Regal Flags, Six-Sided Simulations, TME Co.

Attendees: (40, list may be incomplete)

Peter Ansoff
Andrew Biles
Hugh Brady
David Breitenbach
Devereaux D. Cannon, Jr.
Al Cavalari
Richard T. Clark
Bernard Couture
Joann Couture*
Patrice de la Brosse
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith
Joseph Donovan*
Martin A. Francis
John B. Harker
Lee Herold
Douglas Henry
Lollie Henry*
Ted Kaye
Laura Kidd
Lynn Knights
Tom Landry
Dave Martucci
Janet Martucci*
Rich Monahan
Stan Mottaz
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
Irene Pittsenbargar*
John Pittsenbargar
John Purcell
Philippe Rault
James Ritchie
Mark Ritzenhein
Randy Smith
Whitney Smith
Larry Soucier*
Charles A. Spain, Jr.
Gustavo Tracchia
Peter Turek
Pete Van de Putte
* companion
Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photos from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA