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HomeNAVA 33 (1999)

NAVA 33 / ICV 18

NAVA 33 / ICV 18 Flag Image

NAVA 33 / ICV 18 Flag Photo

NAVA 33 / ICV 18: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Laurel Point Inn
July 28–August 2, 1999
Details and additional photos of NAVA 33 / ICV 18: The NAVA 33/ICV 18 Flag:

The flag was designed by Truman G. Pope.  The flag shows a red, white, and blue NAVA chevron dividing the field.  The area outside the chevron is dark blue with yellow waves, similar to the ones on the British Columbia flag.  The field inside the chevron is divided in half vertically and colored red and white.  The “V” represents the word “vexillology” and the name “Victoria”, site of the Congress, located on “Vancouver” Island.  It is depicted in three stripes of blue-white-red, in the style of the NAVA flag and also the colors of the U.S. flag.  The stylized gold waves on blue recall the flag of British Columbia and are the colors of FIAV.  On the field is a counterchanged maple leaf.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Chantal Webb and James Webb.  Co-hosts:  The Canadian Flag Association and the North American Vexillological Association.

Significant Events:

NAVA's 33rd annual meeting took place in conjunction with the 18th International Congress of Vexillology.  Attendees posed for a group picture to commemorate the historic meeting of vexillologists from all over the world.

The proceedings of NAVA 33 / ICV 18were published as FLAGS From Sea To Sea

The Presentations:

  • The Flag of Nunavut: Public Process and Cultural Considerations — Robert Watt, Ontario.
  • Badges and Symbols of Power of the First and Second Mexican Empires and Their Historical Antecedents — Teodoro Amerlinck y Zirión, Mexico.
  • Newfoundland's Flag—The Union Jack and the Contenders — Kevin Harrington, Ontario.
  • Technology to the Rescue! Maine's First State Colours — David Martucci, Maine.
  • Early American Naval Flags and Signals — Ray S. Morton, California.
  • Cannery Flags: The British Columbia Salmon Canneries — Harry Oswald, Oregon.
  • U.S. Civic Flags in Conflict with the Courts — John M. Purcell, Ohio.
  • Vexistats: A Statistical Overview of the Colours, Symbols and Designs of National Flags in the 20th Century — Bruce Berry and Theo Stylianides, South Africa.
  • Tribar Flags: A Survey and Analysis — Mason Kaye, Oregon.
  • Australia's Vice-Regal Legacy — Ralph G. C. Bartlett, Australia.
  • Flags of the Uniformed and Other Services in the Former African "Homelands" of South Africa — F. G. Brownell, South Africa.
  • The Flag of Spain — José Luis Brugués, Spain.
  • Vexillology of the Anglo-Boer War — Boer Flags — A. P. Burgers, South Africa.
  • Royal, Aristocratic, and Ministerial Standards in Brunei Darussalam: Legacies of Istiadat in a Changing Society — Scot M. Guenter, California.
  • Space Vexillology: Thirty Years After the First Moon Landing — Andreas Herzfeld, Germany.
  • Remembrance of War — Ralph Kelly, Australia.
  • Departmental Flags of Hong Kong — Michel R. Lupant, Belgium.
  • A Very Old and Very Modern Flag — The Swiss Cross — Simone de Rham, Switzerland.
  • Ancient Maps and Vexillology — María José Sastre y Arribas, Spain.
  • Flag Abuse — Whitney Smith, Massachusetts.
  • Flag Finials: Are They of Interest to Vexillologists? — Adrian Strickland, Malta.
  • Czech and Czechoslovak Vexillological Symbols during Periods of Transition — Jirí Tenora, Germany.
  • Vexillological Research, Referencing, and Publication Concerns in the age of the Internet — Seminar 1
  • Vexillography — Guides to Flag Design — Seminar 2
  • Vexillology and Heraldry: Siblings of Strangers, Family or Neighbors? — Seminar 3
  • Vexillology and the Millennium — What we have seen, what lies ahead? — Seminar 4

Announced Awards and Honors:

Mason Kaye

(shown with Whitney Smith)

 Captain William Driver Award: Mason Kaye [at age 13, the youngest-ever winner]
The Whitney (later "Whitney Smith Fellow"): John M. Purcell Ph.D.

Fiscal Sponsor:
Driver Award: National Flag Foundation.

Attendees: (109)

John Adcock*
Teodoro Amerlinck
Annette Andell*
Cecelia Andell*
Robin Ashburner
John S. Ayer
Jorge Barbabosa Torres
Norma Bartlett*
Ralph Bartlett
Graham Bartram
Claas Bernhardt*
Volker Bernhardt
Bruce Berry
Andrew Biles
Doreen Braverman
Jack Braverman*
David Breitenbach
Frederick Brownell
Heather Brownell*
José Luis Brugués Alonso
Juan Brugués*
Richard Cachia Caruana
Mike Clingman
Ámparo Cuadrado Ebrero*
Carita Culmer
Elizabeth Dangaard*
Joseph Donovan*
Pat Edwards*
Peter Edwards
Michael Faul
Jim Ferrigan
Martin Francis
Beata Gierblinska*
Scot Guenter
Michael Hale
Sheila Hale*
Michael Halleran
Kevin Harrington
Andreas Herzfeld
John Hood
Vivian Jackson*
Dorothee Jüngling
Debbie Kaye*
Edward Kaye
Mason Kaye
Rob Kaye*
Ralph Kelly
Peter Kinderman
Don Klett
Ginny Klett*
Michael Krag-Juel-Vind-Frijs
Dick Larsson
David Le Gallant
Claire LeRoy*
Jean LeRoy
Dieter Linder
Jeff Litzenberg
Julie Litzenberg*
Jack Lowe
Karen Lowe*
Michel Lupant
Dave Martucci
Janet Martucci*
Günter Mattern-Cuendet
Silviane Mattern-Cuendet*
Richard Monahan
John Moody
Karyn Morton*
Ray Morton
Kevin Murray
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
David Ott
Armand Noël du Payrat
Elaine Peters
David Phillips
Georgia Pope*
Truman Pope
John Purcell
Gary Randall
Alain Raullet
Philippe Rault
Casimir de Rham*
Simone de Rham
Valérie de Rham*
Tomás Rodrigues Peñas
David D. Ruddy
Maria José Sastre y Arribas
Whitney Smith
Vicki Peterson*
Gustav Söderlund
Karin Söderlund*
Charles A. Spain, Jr.
Charles A. Spain, Sr.*
Josh Stenberg
Ron Strachan
Adrian Strickland
Jacqui Strickland*
Jiri Tenora
Gustavo Tracchia
Dios Tuazon*
Pete Van de Putte
Gerd Vehres
Stefanie Vehres*
Chantal Webb
James Webb
Don Wheeler
Sam Wilson*
Alfred Znamierowski
* Accompanying person
Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA