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HomeNAVA 28 (1994)


NAVA 28 Flag Image

NAVA 28 Flag Photo

NAVA 28: Portland, Oregon
Portland Downtown Holiday Inn
October 7–9, 1994
Details and additional photos of NAVA 28: NAVA News v. 27 no. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1994)

The NAVA 28 Flag:  The design, by Donald T. Healy, places a yellow beaver on the blue background, from the back of the Oregon flag.  The NAVA chevron is depicted in the Portland flag's colors of blue, white, and green.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Harry W. Oswald and Michael Hale (chairs), John Hood, Ted Kaye, Don Klett.

The Featured Tours:

The first stop on the tour on Saturday afternoon was a visit the Oregon History Center, allowing the attendees a rare viewing of a flag from the 1905 World's Fair (the Lewis & Clark Centennial Exhibition held in Portland) and a number of early U.S. Stars and Stripes brought out of storage especially for the visitors.  The second stop was at the Clark County Historical Society in Clark County, Washington, and the site of Fort Vancouver.   The highlight of this stop was two rare flags of the Hudson's Bay Company on display.  The keynote address was delivered by Chet Orloff, executive director of the Oregon Historical Society, whose Oregon History Center staff had hosted the tour earlier in the day.

The Presentations:

  • The Freedom Foundation Flag — Martin Francis, California.
  • The Cascadian Flag — David McClosky, Washington.
  • Battle Streamers — Whitney Smith, Massachusetts.
  • Origin of the U.S. Flag — Petty Theft? — Don Healy, New Jersey.
  • The National Flag of Turkmenistan of 1992 — Jiri Tenora, Germany.
  • The Mystery and Return of the 1813 Fort Niagara Flag — Bob Coykendall, New York.
  • The Use of Flags on Coastal Whaling Stations — Henry Moeller, New York.
  • Vexillology, The Academy and the Future — Scot Guenter, California.
  • "Wish You Were Here" Flag Collection through Postcards — Kevin Harrington, Ontario.
  • Computer Aided Vexillology — William Crampton, United Kingdom.
  • The State of Jefferson and Its Flag — Ted Kaye, Oregon.
  • The US 24 Colbert Flag and Its Sister — Lee Kennedy, New York. (read by Harry Oswald)

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Robert J. Goldstein Ph.D.
  • The Whitney (now the Whitney Smith Fellow): Grace Rogers Cooper
Fiscal Sponsor:
Driver Award: National Flag Foundation.

Attendees: (59)

Phil Allen
Nick Artimovich
Doreen Braverman
Susan Braverman
Roberto Breno *
Lois Campbell
Rainey Campbell *
Grace Cooper
Robert Coykendall
William Crampton (England)
Gary Csillaghegyi
Carita Culmer
Mary Ann Docktor-Smith
Bruce Druckenmiller
Donald Dunn
Peter Edwards
Jim Ferrigan
Dan Fleck
Martin Francis
Robert Goldstein
Scot Guenter
Michael Hale
Michael Halleran
Kevin Harrington
Don Healy
Barbara Herold *
Lee Herold
John Hood
Mason Kaye
Ted Kaye
Rich Kenny
Peter Kinderman
Donald Klett
David Lewellen
Annaliese Liss *
Mark Liss
John Lowe
David Maggi
David McCloskey
Ken Melie
Henry Moeller
Peter Orenski
Harry Oswald
David Ott
John Purcell
Jon Radel
Gary Randall
Randolph Smith
Whitney Smith
Kin Spain
Jiri Tenora (Germany)
Gustavo Tracchia
Ann Trinkle *
Bill Trinkle
Enikö Varga
Pete Van de Putte
Vanessa Van de Putte
Gilbert Vegas
James White
* companion

Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA