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HomeNAVA 26 (1992)


NAVA 26 Flag Image

NAVA 26 Flag Photo

NAVA 26: San Antonio, Texas 
Emily Morgan Hotel
October 9–11, 1992
Details and additional photos of NAVA 26: NAVA News v. 24 no. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1991)

The NAVA 26 Flag: The organizing committee selected a flag based on a design submitted by John Gámez of San Antonio.  Horizontally divided blue over green, the dividing line is fimbriated white renders a silhouette of the Alamo, San Antonio's most famous landmark.  A red "V" for vexillology, also fimbriated white, is superimposed over the field, and bears two white, five-pointed stars on the upper portions of each arm and a single white, six-pointed star at the base.  The total number of star-points is 26.  The colors reflect San Antonio's "Tex-Mex" heritage.  The design was selected from 15 entries submitted by four vexillographers.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Sally Crawford, David L. Pawson, and H. P. (Pete) Van de Putte, Jr.

Significant Events:

  • The annual banquet, held in the very shadow of the Alamo, provided keynote speaker historian Richard Santos with the perfect place to for his fascinating and informative talk about the flags used at the Battle of the Alamo.
  • "The Whitney" award (changed in 2013 to "Whitney Smith Fellow") was added to the Association's awards and honors program.
  • FIAV President William Crampton attended the annual meeting.

The Featured Tours:

The NAVA 26 tour included stops at the Dixie Flag Company, Fort Sam Houston and the Medical Museum (and its incredible flag display), and the Institute of Texan Cultures and the Hemisfair Parkall within walking distance of the meeting hall.

The Presentations:

  • The Nevada State Flag and Some of Its Predecessors – James J. Ferrigan III, Nevada.
  • Authentic Early American Flags in a Courtroom Display – Martin A. Francis, California.
  • The Controversy over the Alamo Battle Flag – John H. Gámez, Texas.
  • Two Banners of the Rosicrucians – Scot M. Guenter Ph.D., California.
  • The Empire Strikes Back – Donald T. Healy, New Jersey.
  • Irredentist Flags—And Other Flags with a Political Message – Kevin Harrington M.A.(T.), Ontario.
  • Representational Politics of the Stars and Stripes – Carolyn Marvin Ph.D., Pennsylvania.
  • A Schizophrenic Morpheme – David L. Pawson, Texas.
  • Where No Flag Has Gone Before – Anne M. Platoff, Texas.
  • A NAVA Retrospective: 1967–1977 – Whitney Smith Ph.D., Massachusetts.
  • The United Nations: Its Flags & Poles – Gustavo Tracchia, New York.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Anne M. Platoff.
  • The Whitney (later Whitney Smith Fellow): Whitney Smith Ph.D.
Fiscal Sponsor:
Driver Award: National Flag Foundation

Attendees: (unknown)

Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA