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HomeNAVA 24 (1990)


NAVA 24 Flag Image

NAVA 24 Flag Photo

NAVA 24: North York (Toronto), Ontario
Novotel Hotel
October 5–7, 1990
Details and additional photos of NAVA 24: NAVA News v. 23 no. 6 (Nov.-Dec. 1990)

The NAVA 24 Flag:  The design, by Sandra Armstrong, includes the colors of NAVA and Toronto.  The trillium is used as the official symbol of Ontario.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Kevin Harrington and Sandra Armstrong.

Significant Events:

  • The Honourable John Ross Matheson was the keynote Speaker at the Saturday night banquet.  He talked about his "Creation of the National Flag of Canada".    Although credited with the design of the Maple Leaf Flag, he generously shared the honors for the design with many others, especially Dr. George Stanley and George Bist.
  • On Sunday night, as participants were treated to a Chinese dinner, they enjoyed an informative and illustrated talk by Derwin Mak on Chinese Flags and Symbols of Chinese Flags: Symbols at the Emperor's Kitchen.

The Presentations:

  • The Signal and Commercial Flags of St. John's, Newfoundland c1500–c1900 – Mark Le Messurier.
  • The Power of Place, The Power of Icons: Intersections for Vexillology – Scot M. Guenter.
  • Minnesota Flag Coalition Quest for a New Minnesota Flag – Lee L. Herold.
  • A Canadian Flag for Canada – Alistair B. Fraser.
  • The Great Vietnam War Flag Flap – Robert J. Goldstein.
  • Needed, A New Flag Song – Elizabeth Hardy.

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Mark A. B. LeMessurier.
Fiscal Sponsor:
Driver Award: National Flag Foundation.

Attendees: (unknown)

Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA