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HomeNAVA 21 (1987)

NAVA 21 / ICV 12

NAVA 21 / ICV 12 Flag Image

NAVA 21 / ICV 12 Flag Photo

NAVA 21 / ICV 12: San Francisco, California, USA
University of San Francisco — Lone Mountain Conference Center
August 12–16, 1987

The 21st Annual Meeting of NAVA and the 12th International Congress of Vexillology were hosted jointly as "Flag Congress / San Francisco".

Details and additional photos of NAVA 21/ICV 12 appeared in: NAVA News v. 20 no. 6 (Sept.-Oct. 1987)
The proceedings were published as: "12 ICV REPORT" in The Flag Bulletin, v. XXVII: 1-4/130
A 2-hour video of the entire congress, perhaps the first video-recording of an ICV, appears here:  Flag Congress / San Francisco (on NAVA's YouTube channel)

The NAVA 21 / ICV 12 Flag:

The design was the joint effort of James Croft, Jim Ferrigan, and Whitney Smith.  The flag shows the phoenix, flames, and torse that appear on the San Francisco flag.  The background resembles the NAVA flag.


Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA


Organizing Committee: James J. Ferrigan III (chair), Edward B. Kaye (registrar), Scott Bonfiglio (treasurer), Richard A. Kenny, and Whitney Smith

The Featured Tours:


During the week of the Congress and beyond, over 1,300 flags were displayed in seven locations throughout the city, including:

  • San Francisco City Hall—American Municipal Flags (323)
  • National Maritime Museum—Historic Maritime Flags (~50)
  • S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien (Liberty Ship)—Merchant/Maritime Flags (112)
  • Presidio Army Museum—Military-Historic Flags (26)
  • Treasure Island Museum—Military Rank Flags: full set (~100)
  • S.S. Balclutha (Tall Ship)—"The Ball on Shipboard" flags, after Tissot (~40)
  • Lone Mountain College — Personal Collections
    • James Croft: civic (121)
    • Henry Rosenthal: pennants (~300)
    • Jim Ferrigan (110)
    • Corinne D. Oats: France provincial (30)
    • Alistair Frasier (13)
    • Roy Gower (10)
    • Ben Weed: military (25)
  • Lone Mountain College / outdoors—National Flags of Attendees (20)
  • Lone Mountain College / indoors—FIAV & NAVA flags (20)

Announced Awards and Honors:

  • Captain William Driver Award: Arnold F. Rabbow Ph.D

Attendees (and companions*): (146, a record for ICVs to date)

Phil Allen

Lionel R. Alves

Teodoro Amerlinck, Mexico

*Josefina A. de Amerlinck, Mexico

Sandra Armstrong

*Tony Hannas

Roger Baert, Belgium

Ralph Bartlett, Australia

C. Randy Beard

*Mary Beard

*Randy Beard, Jr.

Thilo Biegler, Germany

*Helga Biegler, Germany

John Blair

Scott Bonfiglio

Doreen Braverman

*Jack Braverman

Frederick Brownell, South Africa

George F. Cahill

Lois Campbell

Dan Cernovodeanu, France/Romania

William Christiansen

Grace Rogers Cooper

William J. Copeland

*Joan E. Copeland

David A. Cornish

*Barbara C. Cornish

Robert Coykendall

William G. Crampton, England

Janes Croft

*Claire Johnson

Gary Csillaghegyi

Christopher Daniels

Robert Dickson

*Mrs. Dickson

Louis Doublet, France

*Mme. Doublet, France

Bruce E. Druckenmiller

*Barbara L. Druckenmiller

Adolfo Durán, Spain

Mary Eckert

*Charlie Eckert

Peter B. Edwards

*Patricia Edwards

Arthur Etchells

Alessandro Ferrero

James J. Ferrigan III

*Enikö Varga

Martin Francis             

Alistair B. Fraser
*Dorothy Fraser

Anna María Galán Pla, Spain

Robert Goldberg

Joel Goldman

Roy Gower, New Zealand

Dennis Graham

Scot M. Guenter

John Hall, England

Tony A. Hampson-Tindale, South Africa

Kevin Harrington

Don Healy

Sebastiá Herreros Agüi, Spain

Marilyn Hichborn

*Hal Hichborn

Anders Holmquist

Kenneth W. Hughes

Wolfgang G. Jilek

*Louise Jilek-Aall

*Martica Jilek

Volker Junge, Germany

*Elke Kluender, Germany

Edward B. Kaye

*Debra Kaye (with Mason Kaye)

Pat Kelley

Ralph D. Kelly, Australia

Rich Kenny

Donald Klett

*Virginia A. Klett

George Koster

Lisbeth Scott Langkilde, Denmark

Erik Larson

Mark Liss

*Anneliese Liss

Norman H. Logan, Scotland

John A. Lowe

*Karen Lowe

Michael Medici

Jan Mericle

*Joe Mericle

*Anne Mericle

Corinne Oats

*David Oats

Timothy A. O’Donnell

*Jack Barry

*Amada D. Cubias

*Roland Ditan

*John T. Hosking
*Geri McGovern
*Imelda McGovern

Martin J. O’Malley

David Ott

*Bill Ott

David Pawson

David F. Phillips

John M. Purcell

Arnold Rabbow, Germany

*Elisabeth Rabbow, Germany

Gary Randall

Casimir de Rham, Switzerland

*Simone de Rham, Switzerland

Woody Ridgway

*Helen Ridgway

Tomás Rodriguez Peñas, Spain

*Ámparo Cuadrado, Spain

Henry Rosenthal

*Carola B. Anderson

María Jose Sastre y Arribas, Spain

Whitney Smith

*Vicki Peterson

Debra Sokolow-Nikolic

*Traza Nikolic

*Tyler Nikolic

William Spangler

*Claire Spangler

Ed Stanton

Joseph Staub

*Annye Staub

Adam Stolfi

Ron Strachan, Australia

Gustavo Tracchia

John Tuteur

*Linda Stake

Steve Tyson

Henry Untermeyer

Celia Vanderpool

*Kathy Gann

Gilbert Vegas

Greg Wald

*Mrs. Wald

Devrard Warner

*Daphne Warner

Ben Weed

Barbara “Corki” Whitford

*Ralph Whitford

Benjamin Young

Ernest A. Zwerg


Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA