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HomeNAVA 12 (1978)


NAVA 12: Montgomery, Alabama 
Downtowner Motor Inn and Tumbling Waters Museum
October 7–9, 1978

Details and additional photos of NAVA 12: NAVA News vol. 11, no. 4 (1978)

The NAVA 12 Flag:


The NAVA 12 flag was designed by Charles Brannon.  While the exact symbolism of this flag remains unknown it has been said to represent people of three races of man looking forward to the future of vexillology, but less is known about this annual meeting flag than any other.  It may have also been designed for the “Personal Flags of North Americans: An Introduction to the People” exhibition held in Montgomery.  This is the only flag in the NAVA annual meeting flag that has the word “NAVA” on it.


Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee Chair: Charles E. Brannon.

Significant Events:

  • NAVA 12 was the first non-International Congress of Vexillology for which a NAVA meeting flag was designed.

The Annual Business Meeting:

Log in to access the minutes posted in the Members area

Attendees: (33+)

(Partial list of Attendees, not complete)
Sandra Armstrong
Elsie Blechta
Charles E. Brannon
Eve Burnham
George Cahill
Dorothy H. Claybourne
Grace Rogers Cooper
John Dowe
W. C. Dwiggins
Robert Gauron
Mrs. Robert Gauron
Bette Goss
Florence Hutchinson
Lynn Knights
Kenneth W. Hughes
J. A. Lowe
Hugh McClellan
Jenifer Mincht
David Ott
H. E. Ott
John Purcell
W. W. Ridgway
Helen Ridgway
Janet Smith
Whitney Smith
Claire Spangler
William Spangler
Ralph Spence
John R.B. Szala
Mike Tancey
Mrs. Mike Tancey
Michael Trawick
Alfred Znamierowski


Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA