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HomeNAVA 09 (1975)


NAVA 9: Cleveland, Ohio
Hollenden House
October 12–14, 1975

Details and additional information about NAVA 9: NAVA News Vol. VIII, no. 4 (1975)  


NAVA 9 Group Photo in NAVA News Vol. IX, no. 1, p. 1 (1976) 



The NAVA Flag:


The general NAVA organizational flag would be used for all annual meetings until NAVA 11, with the exception of NAVA 3, which featured a special joint NAVA 3 / ICV 3 (Boston, Massachusetts 1969) flag design.  The tradition of designing special meeting flags began with the second joint NAVA 11 / ICV 7 conference held in Washington, D.C. in 1977.


Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA


Organizing Committee: John M. Purcell and Jim Hart.


Attendees: (37)

Ernest Aitchison
Charles Brannon
Mr. Cherry
Dorothy Claybourne
Glenn Compton
Daniel G. Connors
John Cross
Violet Cross
Eileen Cunningham
Bill Dwiggins
Carl Francolino
Bette Goss
Gary Grahl
Mary Louise Hardin
James Hart
Don Healy
Barbara Huff
Ken Huff
Florence Hutchison
John Lehman
Gail Lingo
Jack Lingo
Hugh McCleilan
George McKale
Emmet Mittlebeeler
Martin O'Malley
David Ott
John Purcell
Kevin Sheard
Whitney Smith
Bill Spangler
Claire Spangler
John R. B. Szala
Ashley Talbot
Mike Tancey
Wilma Tancey
Mike Webster


Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA