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HomeNAVA 07 (1973)


NAVA 7: Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
Freedoms Foundation (General MacArthur Building)
November 2–4, 1973

Details and additional photos of NAVA 7: NAVA News Vol. VI, no. 4, pp. 1–4 (1973)


The NAVA 7 Flag:


The general NAVA organizational flag would be used for all annual meetings until NAVA 11, with the exception of NAVA 3, which featured a special joint NAVA 3 / ICV 3 (Boston, Massachusetts 1969) flag design.  The tradition of designing special meeting flags began with the second joint NAVA 11 / ICV 7 conference held in Washington, D.C. in 1977.


Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA


Organizing Committee: John E. Lingo, Jr., Gail P. Lingo, William C. Spangler, and Claire W. Spangler

Significant Events:

  • The banquet keynote speaker was William Filby, Director of the Maryland Historical Society, who spoke of the historical development of the National Anthem of the United States.
  • Also at the banquet NAVA President Whitney Smith reported on the International Congress in London, where NAVA had the larg­est delegation.

The Featured Tours:


Tours included the facilities of the Dettra Flag Company, the Freedoms Foundation, Independence Hall, the Betsy Ross House, the Philadelphia Light Horse Troop Headquarters, Christ Church, and Valley Forge Park.

The Presentations and Exhibits:

  • Apiculture (bees) in Vexillology – Bob Gauron, Illinois.
  • Flags and the Franklin Mint – Barbara Hoyt.
  • The Great Seal of the U.S. – Florence Hutchison, Illinois.
  • Boy Scout Flag Ceremonies – Zach Hirsch, Arizona.
  • American Legion Flag Projects – Jeanette Doetsch.
  • Military Flags – Arthur Etchells, Pennsylvania.
  • American Patriots Award Ceremony – George Cahill, Pennsylvania.

Exhibits included Stanley Smullen's historic flags, a variety of flags owned by Charles Brannon, the Universal Christian Flag furnished by John Szala, and several other exhibits supplementing lecture topics.


Attendees: (70+)

(Partial list of those attending)
Dr. Whitney Smith
John Szala
Mike Tancey
Esther A. Bundy
John Purcell
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grahl
Maysel Gauron
E. Jane Burkett
Jeannette G. Doetsch
George McKale
Mr. & Mrs. J. Theodore Cuthbertson
R. Dickson
W. C. Dwiggins
Ken Spink
William & Claire Spangler
Florence Hutchison
John N. Hartvigsen
Guy Cross
George Cahill
A. Zack Hirsch
Gladys M. Cantrell
Ann Cantrell
Nick Cantrell
S. Smullen
Jack & Gail Lingo
John Mokler
O. B. Brockmeyer
Robert Gauron
Ed Cantrell
Mary O'Malley
Mr. & Mrs. Richard LoRe
Ashley Talbot
Kenneth & Barbara Huff
Clara Wiese
Wilma Tancey


Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA