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HomeNAVA 01 (1967)

NAVA 1 (1967)

NAVA 1: Purchase (White Plains), New York
Manhattanville College
November 18–19, 1967

Details and additional information of NAVA 1: NAVA News Vol. I, no. 3 (1967)

The NAVA 1 Flag:
The NAVA flag.  This is the first meeting where the general organizational NAVA flag was flown.  This flag would be used for all annual meetings until NAVA 11, with the exception of NAVA 3, which featured a special joint NAVA 3 / ICV 3 (Boston, Massachusetts 1969) flag design.  The tradition of designing special meeting flags began with with the second joint NAVA 11 / ICV 7 conference held in Washington, D.C. in 1977.

Meeting flag description from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA

Organizing Committee: Pierre C. Lux-Wurm

Significant Events:

  • The Association's flag, previously selected by the flag committee, was first used at this annual meeting.  The design was not approved by the membership or the executive board by a formal vote, but was instead the subject of a resolution at the annual business meeting expressing the Association’s appreciation.

Attendees: (24)

Newton Blakeslee
Alexander Cochran
William Dwiggins
Robert Gauron
Gerhard Grahl
Thomas Hill, Jr.
Rev. John Hurley
Creighton Kern
Prof. & Mrs. Pierre Lux-Wurm
David B. Martucci
Prof. Emmet Mittlebeeler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Morgan
John Murphy
William Murphy
Dr. & Mrs. Clarence Rungee
Dr. Whitney Smith
Ashley Talbot
Ashley Talbot, Jr.
Tiji Tanaka
Lawrence Phelps Tower
Dr. Walter Trembicky
Antoon van Zuilen

* Flag image drawn by Clay Moss – Flag photo from Flag Research Quarterly 11: The Flags of NAVA