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February, 2025

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The Flag Design Forum (formerly Gauntlet) allows Flag Creators the opportunity to present their flag ideas to a dedicated and knowledgeable group of Flag Enthusiasts. In 2025, this event is on the first Sunday of each month.

Whether you need input on the early stages of your flag creation journey or feedback on your advanced Flag Promotion Pitch, the Gauntlet brings Flag Creators and Flag Evaluators together in a supportive and knowledgeable environment.

On some months, we will also feature flag design case studies. During these sessions, the designer of a successfully adopted flag will present the design development of the flag to inspire and inform attendees.

Interested in presenting or would like to assist with running the meetings? Please contact Brian Cham at
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With more and more cities around the US and the world adopting flags, this IAM is the perfect place for those interested in the flags and designs, as well as the process surrounding the creation and adoption of the flags, and the groups and individuals leading flag-adoption efforts. We discuss current or newly-adopted city flags, those in need of change, and invite those working directly with cities on flag projects to share their experiences. Bimonthly.
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A quarterly event to welcome new members and orient them to NAVA‘s offerings.
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There is considerable popular interest in flags of the Revolutionary War. However, the historical basis for many of those flags is very tenuous, and existing published references to them are often inaccurate. This IAM focuses on investigating and documenting the history and context of colonial and Revolutionary War flags, and on ways that NAVA can disseminate this information to the vexillological community and the public. 90 minutes.
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Monthly meeting of NAVA‘s executive board. 8 PM E / 5 PM P. Open to all members.
Wait to be admitted to Zoom. Contact for details.